Рейтинг: 66.12

Evening Harmony
Evening falls over the cliffs of Normandy
Хорошая композиция, яркие краски! Супер
Beautiful composition,wonderful colors.
Хорошо. Супер
Yes, wonderful colors, Danny!
Хорошая композиция, яркие краски!
Полностью согласен!
Idyll and harmony
wonderful colors Супер  Супер  Супер
Very beautiful!!! Супер  Супер  Супер
Bargen, Johny Hemelsoen, Igorr, Matteo, Kotachev, Svetlana Kostetski, Loreleya, Many thanks! Улыбка
Обалденно!!! Супер  Супер  Супер  Супер  Супер
Передний план с лошадьми впечатывался? Если задний план перевернуть горизонтально, то лошади и тёмное облако уравновесят композицию. Фото

The foreground with horses was pressed? If a background to overturn horizontally, horses and a dark cloud will counterbalance composition.
Романтично Улыбка
Katena, Вадим Морозов, Илона Кириокатис, Thanks! Супер
Виктор Стрибук (Strybuk), The picture was shot as it is shown. But I understand what you mean. Now all attention goes to the left side (horses and dark cloud) and as you propose there will be a more balanced picture (a counterbalance composition!) Thank you for this idea! Супер
Василий Якушев, Many thanks, Vasiliy! Улыбка
It's magnificently photo! Супер
Photography is full of romance. Супер
Pleasant picture Супер
Ночное на берегу моря!... (Сейчас многие и не знают, что это такое - ночное, или ходить в ночное. Это значит ночью пасти лошадей. Как, например, в рассказе Тургенева "Бежин луг") Улыбка
msv, Teresa, Olegs Patrejevs, Vladislav Belus, Andrefoto, Павел Делянко (j-paul), Thank you! Супер
Night at the beach! ... (Now many people do not know what it is - at night, or walk at night. This means the horses graze at night. How, for example, in Turgenev's story "Bezhin meadow")
Many thanks for your nice comment. These horses were standing high on the cliffs. Chalk cliffs like you can see HERE on the top pictures of this website. These cliffs strech out along a large part of the coast of Normandy (France). I was here on a holiday and every evening at sunset I walked to this high meadow to take pictures of the horses against the setting sun and the Northsea. It was a great view and nice experience! Супер
Мне понравилось! Супер
Vladimir Korobov, Korol, Many thanks! Супер
Excellent. Супер  Супер  Супер
EWELINA, Керим, Lenni, Big thanks!!!! Пиво
хорошее название!! гармония во всем! Фото  Супер
Moris, Yanina Sky,

Big thanks! Подмигивание
Красивая работа! Гарионичная!
Николай Никитин,
Beautiful work! Garionichnaya!
Many thanks, Nikolai! These horses were standing high on the chalk cliffs just besides the sea. A wonderful place to take pictures!
:) meant, a typographical error
Николай Никитин,
:) Meant, a typographical error
No problem! Your English is much, much better than my Russian Смех  Смех
a young horse, and her mother?
a young horse, and her mother?
In this meadow was a group of 7 or 8 horses. The meadow is high above the sea on chalk cliffs. I was really a nice place to take pictures. Many thanks!

Very nice job! Congratulations!:):)
Very nice job! Congratulations!:):)
Many thanks! Подмигивание
Козуб Валерий, Thank you! Супер
...very harmonic composition... Супер
Сергей Шляга, Wildwave4, Many thanks!!!
Понравилось! Работа Супер
Александр Игнатьев, Большое спасибо! Супер
Красивая работа.